Monitoring Visit by NEO Armenia
25 Dec 2018
The monitoring of the ERASMUS+PRINTeL project was conducted by the National Erasmus+ Office of Armenia (NEO) at Yerevan State University on 25 December 2018.
The National Erasmus+ Office of Armenia (NEO) conducted the monitoring visit of the PRINTeL project with the coordination of Yerevan State University (YSU) on the 25th of December, 2018, at YSU.
The Coordinator of the NEO Armenia Lana Karlova and Programme Officer Edith Soghomonyan, the Coordinator of the PRINTeL Project, Deputy Vice-Rector on Academic Affairs, Director of YSU Quality Assurance Centre A. Budaghyan, PRINTeL project Coordinator, Leading Specialist at YSU Quality Assurance Centre M. Santurjyan and the representatives of National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA) and Vanadzor State University (VSU) were present at the meeting.
The PRINTeL Project Coordinator A. Budaghyan briefly presented the performed activities, their results and envisaged operations. The representatives of the abovementioned three universities who had taken part in the Training of Trainers (TOT) courses at 5 EU partner universities (the Armenian team of TOT courses participants comprised 31 lecturers) also came up with their reports. They expressed their gratitude for being given the opportunity to participate in these trainings, as well as reported on their plans, the possibilities and difficulties of applying their gained experience in their home universities.
During the meeting the Director of the Continuous Education and Teachers Professional Development Centre of NPUA A. Zaprosyan and the Head of the Educational-Methodological Department of VSU A. Gevorgyan also presented their reports on the activities performed by them within the frame of the Project.
The Coordinator of the NEO of Armenia Lana Karlova made a reflection on the activities performed within the framework of the PRINTeL project and attended to the opinions and suggestions voiced during the monitoring visit.
In her concluding speech L. Karlova confirmed with satisfaction that the Project meets the expectations and wished successful continuation.
For more information on the Monitoring visit by the NEO Armenia, please, refer to: