Training-Workshop on the Development of Open Educational Resources (OER) held at KU Leuven
22 Oct 2019
OER Development training and workshop took place on 15-17 October, 2019 at KU Leuven.
Within the framework of ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project the training and workshop on the Development of Open Educational Resources (OER) was held at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) (Belgium) on October 15-17, 2019.
The training sessions were held by leading experts at LIMEL (KU Leuven’s Educational Video Producing Center) under the supervision of prof. Vim Van Petegem and prof. Chris Van Keer.
Twenty nine representatives of 9 partner universities from Armenia, Georgia and Belarus attended the training and workshop. The trainees were introduced to the current approaches to OER, the main methods of their use, transformation and dissemination, as well as to the core requirements necessary for the preparation of educational videos.
Nearing the end of the training-workshop the participants worked out and produced educational videos and discussed certain aspects that would be useful for further improvement of the efficiency and quality of the videos production.
The training and workshop proved to be one of the most productive PRINTeL courses enhancing innovative teaching and learning. The trainees acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills and created a measurable and valuable product of innovative T&L – educational videos.
The experience gained during the training and workshop sessions will assuredly contribute to the increased efficiency of recording studios to be established in the PC universities within the frame of the PRINTeL Project that emphasizes the importance of granting students the opportunity of having access to innovative education resources.
For more information, please, refer to: https://iiw.kuleuven.be/onderzoek/engineering-education/educationz/printel
Participants' Guide
All the relevant information concerning the location, transport, etc. can be found through the links below:
Training Materials
The educational resources of the training course can be found through the links below:

15 October 2019

15 October 2019

15 October 2019

15 October 2019

15 October 2019

16 October 2019

16 October 2019
Workshop Materials
The results of the wrokshop can be found through the link below:
The surveys of the wrokshop can be found through the link below:
Attendance Lists
Feedback Survey